expert advisors to test intraday forex price action scalper charlatan quack pretender at I G Community

Here are results of back tests, using same strategy to scalp trades versus longer term swing trading.Scalping lost more money  than swing trading, swing trading has higher probability of becoming profitable, depending on the strength of strategy.

.The higher the spread a trader pays, the more the trader will lose.The professionals will trade the "lowest spread to volatility" instruments.The more a trader trades, the more the negative spread edge a trader gets.The less a trader trades, the more he is likely to profit.Patience is the most important edge for the retail trader, the patience to wait for a really cheap entry, the patience to wait for days and weeks to take a profit and , the patience to wait during uncomfortable losing periods .This is what Warren Buffet has and traders should search on google to read all about Warren Buffet..Any trader can apply Warren Buffet mindset to trading and be profitable.There are edges in Buffettology.

Day traders and intraday traders should search google for success rate of day traders and intraday scalping.I have read 99 % failure rate on dedicated detailed searches.

Intraday Scalping versus swing trading

scalpers get scalped

Day trading success rate is <1 % of traders make any money,according detailed searches on google, by searching for success rate of day traders.Scalping is even riskier, because the scalper  risks more and takes small profits.Would the trader not be better off, trading longer term and swing trading?


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